Hello, I’m Ahmed Hafdi.
Data Scientist Junior

Welcome to my data science portfolio.

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Who am I?

Motivated , Teamwork-oriented ,Problem-solving,and Detail-oriented. Highly educated , possessing a Computer Science Degree ,and professional certification in data analysis from google and data science from IBM .
Looking for starting a new job as Data scientist / Analyst.

About Me



My SQL, SQL Server , BigQuery, IBM Db2

Programming languages

Python , R , Javascript, TypeScript , Java, React Native , flutter,Dart ,HTML , CSS


Dplyr ,tidyr, Ggplot2, Pandas, Numpy, Matplotlib, Sckit-learn, Seaborn

Other Software / Tools

Power BI,Tableau , SpreadSheet, Excel , Git , Deep Learning , Machine Learning

Soft Skills

Creativity, problem solving, Detail-oriented, perseverance, research


English(Fluent), French (Fluent ), Arabic (Native)


SpaceX Launch Records Dashboard

SpaceX Launch Records Dashboard for visualizing all the records for each launch sites.

Launch Application Download Report
SpaceX Launch Records Dashboard
My World Happiness Map

My World Happiness Map

A dashboard for global happiness rate around the world.

Launch Application Download Report

Cookie Company Performance Report

A dashboard for Cookie Company Performance.

Launch Application Download Report
Cookie Company Performance Report
Mar 2021 - May 2021
Data Analyst Freelancer
Summit Events
Create a Dashboard (data visualization) using Flutter and add it inside the E-Commerce website of the comapnies for predicting the sales .
Mar 2020 - Sep 2020
Data Analyst Intern
Create a Dashboard (data visualization) using Angular and add it inside the E-Commerce website of the comapnies for predicting the sales .
Jul 2019 - Aug 2019
Data Analyst Intern
Ministry of Economy and Finance
Create A Dashboard (data visualization) for displaying financial data about the imports of companies .


Over 1+ years of experience working in the intersection of technology .

Linkedin Download My Resume


2018- 2021
ENSIAS - National School of Computer Science and Systems Analysis, Rabat , Morocco
Computer Science Engineer
Preparatory classes for schools, Kenitra
Mathematics and Physics
Baccalaureate in Mathematics Option B (SMB)
Baccalaureate in Mathematics


Neural Networks and Deep Learning
see certificate
IBM Data Science Professional Certificate
see certificate
Google Data Analytics Certificate
see certificate
IBM Certified Data Engineer - Big Data
see certificate
Microsoft Certified: Data Analyst Associate with Power BI
see certificate